You have 48 hours after delivery to notify us of any damages
Missing items must be checked against paperwork, the items you should you receive are noted on your delivery note. If this does not match your delivery you must note it on the paperwork and report it within 24hours. Please ensure your order is checked against your original order document.
Any discrepancies for a free of charge replacement (images or videos may need to be sent to prove any damages or faults).
Anything reported outside this time frame will unfortunately be chargeable.
Once installed or installation has been attempted, we will deem the goods have been accepted and we are therefore unable to offer a free of charge replacement or refund.
Replacements for collection orders will need to be collected from our warehouse, we are unfortunately unable to arrange delivery of any replacements or collect any faulty/damaged products.
Faulty or damaged items will need to be returned back to the warehouse.